
International Organising

Exploitation through poor social and environmental standards is the flipside of a global value chain. Wages below the comparable minimum wage, health hazards at the workplace, lack of social security in the event of illness, accident or old age, and precarious employment relationships pose major challenges worldwide. We support better networking and organisation along transnational value chains, which enables trade unions to assert the interests of employees even in globally operating corporations and globally branched production processes.

Past Events


Feb. 2021

Rosa Luxemburg

Michael Brie und Jörn Schütrumpf

Nov. 2020

Gender justice in global supply chains

Global Policy Forum Europe and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

May. 2017

Rosa Remix

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Regional Office Americas and UN, New York


International Organising

Rosa Luxemburg: Searching for Traces

Krzysztof Pilawski, Holger Politt, Evelin Wittich

Jun. 2020

International Organising

Strong Unions and Communities

Katja Voigt and Aaron Eisenberg

Nov. 2019


International Organising

Rosa Luxemburg’s years in Switzerland

Raphaël Haab and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Apr. 2021

International Organising

RS LXMBRG – The dissenting


Feb. 2021

International Organising

„R is for Rosa“

Paul Mason and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Feb. 2021

International Organising, Social Rights

Rosa Kanal – German language only!

Volksbühne Berlin und Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Feb. 2021

International Organising

The Conscience of Clothing – Trailer

Patrick Kohl and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Oct. 2020

International Organising

Who Was Rosa Luxemburg?


Feb. 2019
