The world is coming apart at the seams: social division, inequality, economic crisis, climate catastrophe and the rise of a new authoritarianism are challenging the foundations of civilisation. Saying that capitalism offers no answers will not be enough. We need effective alternatives, alternative experiments, more democracy and socialist discussions. But something else is also true, and this is especially evident in the Corona crisis: the challenges of a global world cannot be solved at the national level alone. Whether it is about the climate crisis, the necessary restructuring of the mode of production or global social justice – the social left in all its many facets, with its regional experiences, in its local struggles for a better world, this colourful world-social left must rediscover internationalism and renew it from the ground up.
International Politics, Right to Peace
What Does the ICJ Ruling Mean for Palestinians?Sari Harb and Munir Nuseibah
International Politics, Right to Social Protection, Rights for Minority Groups
“The Invisible”: Modern Slavery in EuropeFilmerei & RLS Geneva
Rights for Minority Groups, UDHR75, Uncategorized, United Nations
Media representation of transgender people: warnings of detransitionsLéon Salin
International Politics, Right to Peace, Social Rights
What Is a Palestinian Life Worth?Issam Aruri and Sari Harb
International Politics, Social Rights
The urgent need to repudiate debtAnaïs Carton and Éric Toussaint
Right to Social Protection, Social Rights
Fighting “non-take-up”: who is responsible?Olivier De Schutter
International Organising, International Politics, Social Rights
The vote on the “99% initiative” and the progressive forcesAris Martinelli
International Politics, Rights for Minority Groups, Social Rights
Switzerland: the referendum on marriage is a vote on equalityLucas Ramón Mendos and Daniele Paletta
International Organising, Social Rights
“Radical Questions Are Becoming More Legitimate” Boris KanzleiterRight to Social Protection, Rights for Minority Groups, Social Rights
Freedom of movementRosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
ECCHR, Feminism and the Global South, FES, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, IfS, International Institute of Political Murder, medico international, RLS
Right to a Healthy Environment, Rights for Minority Groups, Social Rights
Xolobeni: The Right to Say No!Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung