As we move into a new decade, humanity is facing unprecedented challenges. The ongoing climate crisis and the devastating COVID-19 pandemic are reshaping our world, exacerbating inequalities and fueling the rise of authoritarianism and nationalistic politics.
Recently, a powerful narrative has emerged: the Green New Deal, a powerful call for change that brings with it hopes for delivering deep social and economic transformations. Today, the need for programmes that include the comprehensive decarbonisation and restructuring of our economies and social systems while protecting the climate from collapse has become imperative.
International Organising, Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation
A Left Green New Deal: An Internationalist BlueprintBernd Riexinger, Lia Becker, Katharina Dahme, Christina Kaindl
International Organising, Right to a Healthy Environment, Right to Food, Right to Health, Social Rights
Transitioning towards Pesticide-free Food Systems: People’s struggles and imaginationCharlotte Dreger and Angélica Castañeda Flores
Right to a Healthy Environment, Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation
Green New DealsJuliane Schumacher
Socio-Ecological Transformation
Perspectives on a Global Green New DealRosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and The Leap
Right to a Healthy Environment, Right to Food, Right to Health, Social Rights
Double Standards and Hazardous Pesticides from Bayer and BASFPeter Clausing, Lena Luig, Jan Urhahn
Right to a Healthy Environment, Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation, United Nations
Climate researcher calls for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation TreatyJulia Steinberger
Right to a Healthy Environment, Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation, United Nations
More Than Hot Air?Katja Voigt, Uwe Witt, David Williams, Tetet Lauron, Till Bender
Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation, United Nations
Fighting for Just Transition(s)Nessim Achouche, Ndivile Mokoena
Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation, United Nations
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Events at COP26Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Right to a Healthy Environment, Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation, United Nations
Climate Justice, not False Solutions!Katja Voigt, Tetet Lauron, Uwe Witt, David Williams
Right to a Healthy Environment, Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation, United Nations
Our common home, planet Earth, is “on fire”Roberta Boscolo
Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation, United Nations
Understanding Adaptation and “Loss and Damage” in the Climate NegotiationsTetet Lauron and David Williams
Right to a Healthy Environment, Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation, United Nations
“You Have to Address Fundamental Inequalities”Patricia Bohland, Tetet Lauron, Vincente Paolo
Socio-Ecological Transformation
How Hopeful Can We Be about the Green New Deal?Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Socio-Ecological Transformation
Not Just Green and New for a Few, but Fair and Radical for AllAlanah Torralba
Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation, Women's Rights
The Global Red-Green New DealJohanna Bussemer and Nadja Charaby
International Politics, Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation
The “Great Reset”: The World Economic Forum Recycles Its Old RecipesFrédéric Lemaire
International Organising, International Politics, Socio-Ecological Transformation
“This Is about Democratizing Public Finance”Bhumika Muchhala
Socio-Ecological Transformation
Towards a Decolonial and Feminist Global Green New DealBhumika Muchhala
Socio-Ecological Transformation
Climate Justice from belowJust Transition Research Collaborative (JTRC)
Right to a Healthy Environment, Right to Food, Right to Health, Social Rights
Double Standards and Hazardous Pesticides from Bayer and BASFPeter Clausing, Lena Luig, Jan Urhahn
Right to a Healthy Environment, Right to Food, Socio-Ecological Transformation
Hazardous Pesticides from Bayer and BASFRosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, INKOTA-netzwerk, Khanyisa, MISEREOR, Campanha Permanente Contra os Agrotóxicos e Pela Vida.