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Climate Crisis and Workers Organizing: Left and radical perspectives on Just Transition
When: June 8, 2022 from 15:00 to 17:00 CET
Where: Maison internationale des Associations (Rue des Savoises 15, 1205 Genève)
What: Public conference on just transition
Languages: The conference will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation in French and German
Join us on June 8 at 15:00 for a public conference on the topic of just trantisiton. It will be the occasion to discover the missions of the RLS Geneva Office and to meet all of our team.

About the conference
The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung’s Geneva office is organizing a panel discussion in the Maison Internationale des Associations, a space that connects “international Geneva” with local organisations and grassroots initiatives.
This event is aimed at the public who would like to discover the work of RLS, especially in Geneva. This will be a 90-minute panel discussion during which Jan Leidecker, Geneva Office Director, and Eva Wuchold, Global Social Rights Programme Director, will present RLS and the work of the Geneva office to the audience, after which two keynote speakers will each share their views on how to build transnational solidarity to address the climate crisis and the value of multilateral order.
- Dr. Sabrina Fernandes, RLS Postdoctoral Fellow, creator and producer of YouTube channel TeseOnze, a contributing editor at Jacobin Magazine, and lead editor for Jacobin Brasil;
- David Boys, Deputy General Secretary of Public Services International, a Global Union Federation of more than 700 trade unions representing 30 million workers in 154 countries
- The value of the multilateral, international space for climate action and ensuring a just transition, particularly for the left and progressive actors fighting for structural changes in the Global South
- How to build cooperation between climate actors and trade unions, in the experience of the speakers – are new strategies needed, should our focus be on local grassroots efforts, national action, or building internationally, etc.?
After the interventions, there will be a discussion between the four speakers and a short Q&A with the audience.