April 27, 2022

Pesticides: An Expensive Business

BASIC, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Corporate Europe Observatory, European Environmental Bureau, Good Food Good Farming, INKOTA, Public Eye, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and SOS Faim

How the use of pesticides imposes immense costs on society

The use of pesticides is not only extremely harmful to human health and the environment. Subsidies and tax reliefs for the pesticide companies as well as the consequential damages cost society a fortune. People in the Global South suffer the most from the impacts of the export of toxic pesticides from the EU. Moreover, contrary to all promises, pesticide use does not contribute to reducing hunger. The video sheds light on the dirty pesticide business, which is in the hands of a few powerful chemical companies like Bayer and BASF, and makes clear demands on the EU to eliminate current abuses and injustices.    

This video was developed in cooperation between BASIC, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Corporate Europe Observatory, European Environmental Bureau, Good Food Good Farming, INKOTA, Public Eye, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and SOS Faim and was produced by StoryCircus.