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The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation will be hosting a series of events during the COP26 summit together with a number of partners. Join is person in Glasgow or online!
Photo: Stephen Melkisethian, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0,
Uncovering Justice Gaps in Just Transitions: Why Technological Solutions Won’t Solve the crises (with UNRISD and Life e.V)
5 November | 16:45 – 18:00 | Workshop | Blue Zone (with UNFCCC accreditation only), Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
There are justice gaps in just transitions! Looking at local and national transition debates and initiatives, we will showcase justice implications of different visions and narratives for low-carbon mobility and sustainability transitions and uncover justice gaps in technology-driven approaches.
Speakers to be confirmed: Ndivile Mokoena (Gender CC South Africa), Dunja Krause (UNRISD), Sascha Gabizon (WECF), Rishabh Dhir (ILO), Taily Terena (Minga Indígena), David Williams (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung)
Global Day of Action for Climate Justice
6 November | 11:30 | Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow
More information and call: COP 26 Coalition – Global Day of Action
Channelling Finance from Coal to Clean in the OECD by 2030 and Asia by 2040
6 November | 11:30–12:45 | Blue Zone (with UNFCCC accreditation only), Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
What are the necessary means for OECD countries to achieve a coal phase-out by 2030 and for Asian countries to end their reliance on coal? Speakers will discuss the unique challenges and obstacles faced in each country and on the role of diverting finance from coal to a just energy transition.
Speakers: Kimiko Hirata (Kikonet/Japan Beyond Coal, Japan), Bernadette Victorio (FairFinanceAsia, Cambodia), Kathrin Gutmann (Europe Beyond Coal), Pius Ginting (AEER, Indonesia), Gerry Arances (CEED, Philippines); Moderator: Katrin Ganswindt (urgewald, Germany)
People’s Summit
7–9 November | all day | Glasgow
More information and programme: COP26 Coalition
International Trade Union Forum on Social and Ecological Transitions: What’s Next?
8 November | 11:45 | People’s Summit – Theatre (in-person)
Last June, an International Trade Union Forum on Ecological and Social Transitions was organized in 5 languages, attracting more than 140 organizations from about 60 countries over 6 days. At the end of this forum, we agreed on a common call for Glasgow. In light of the ongoing discussions for the COP26, we will present the call during this session and the process that preceded it.
Contributors: The signatories of the call, over 50 organizations
Global Green New Deal: Learning from Struggles
8 November | 14:00 | Peoples Summit – Theatre
The concept of a Global Green New Deal needs to be rooted in struggles and popular demands if it is to unleash its potential for transformation and justice. We will try to understand how to move beyond solidarity between North and South to articulate the different scale of transformation entrenched in our struggle.
Speakers: Harpreet Kaur Paul PhD (Tipping Point), Hamza Hamouchene (TNI); Moderator: Nessim Achouche (RLS) (more to be confirmed)
Avoiding the Climate Poverty Spiral: Social Protection to Address Climate-Induced Loss and Damage (with ActionAid and Bread for the World)
8 November | 19:30–21:30 | Shared Space (with UNFCCC accreditation only), Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
In a world facing the escalating impacts of climate change, social protection has a crucial role to play in addressing climate-induced loss and damage, strengthening resilience, and advancing development goals. With the UNFCCC’s Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss & Damage (WIM) scheduled to discuss approaches to managing climate risks, this is a key opportunity to put social protection on the international agenda.
There is still widespread confusion about the meaning and use of social protection, as well as significant debate about approaches that can best support the most marginalized. Women in particular can miss out if measures fail to be sufficiently gender-responsive.
The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, together with Action Aid International and Bread for the World, cordially invites you to a high-level coming together of negotiators and civil society to unpack the various dimensions of social protection and make key recommendations to national governments and the WIM. A special focus will be placed on lessons learnt on social protection schemes provided during the COVID-19 pandemic
Speakers: Teresa Anderson (ActionAid International), Tetet Lauron (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, facilitator), Rev. James Bhagwan (from Fiji via Bread for the World), Harjeet Singh (CAN International), and Hafij Khan
Not Without us! Pathways to a Gender-Just transition (with UNRISD, Life e.V., and GenderCC)
9 November | 10:00–11.30 | Green Zone (please register in advance or contact us for tickets), Glasgow Science Centre
This event will debate the interlinkages between gender justice and just transition. How do lived experiences differ for women when it comes to the impacts of the climate crises and how do they deal with it? How can the coping mechanism developed by women in different sectors influence the just transition debates? Are current just transition debates taking into account care work and gender segregation in the labour market? And what would a gender just transition look like?
Just Transition is not only about the transfer of the energy sector to a fossil-free power production, it’s a just transition to a new form of society. Based on examples from Latin and North America, Africa, and Asia, we will delve into a debate about what kinds of just transitions hold the potential to achieve a social-ecological transformation and why changing the value of different kinds of work and sectors might be necessary in order to achieve low-carbon sustainable development. The examples will be illustrated by short film clips of local stories from different regions.
This session will advance the understanding of the potential of a gender just transition and how it could lead to a higher level policy change and climate justice.
Speakers: Ndivile Mokoena (Gender CC Southern Africa), Dunja Krause (UNRISD), Melissa Moreano (Critical Geography Collective Ecuador, facilitator), Kavindu Ediriweera (Slycan Trust), Representative from South Asia
Climate-Induced Loss and Damage: Impacts and Climate Justice Solutions at COP26
9 November | 14:00 | People’s Summit – Theatre
Vulnerable communities on the front lines of the climate crisis urgently need the UNFCCC to provide real and gender just solutions for those dealing with the aftermath of disasters. Social protection strategies, and a new Loss & Damage financing facility paid for by polluters must be advanced at COP26.
Speakers: Teresa Anderson (Action Aid), Nushrat Chowdhury (Christian Ai), Harjeet Singh (CAN), Tetet Lauron (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
The Future Is Public Transport: Acting Locally, Acting Globally for Public Investment
10 November | 11:45 | People’s Summit – online
Join mayors, trade union leaders, public transport workers, and campaigners from around the world to build action for an urgent modal shift to public transport. Mobilize for public transport as a public good linking economic, social, gender, and climate justice.
Contributors: Governor of Jakarta (TBC), Public transport worker from KRMU (Korea), trade union leader from Our Climate, Our Buses, Get Glasgow Moving