14 Mar. 2024

Stories and Struggles of Women Environmental Defenders

RLS Geneva

For the occasion of the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, RLS along with many partners is organizing a side event on March 14th 2024


Developing countries in the global South face significant conflicts where environmental defenders are targeted by state and non-state actors. Every year, more than 200 of them are killed. Women and young girls bear the brunt of attacks against their selves and their communities as they face not just the threat of physical aggression but gendered violence as well. In the Philippines, environmental young activists Jonila Castro and Jhed Tamano were abducted and detained by state forces in 2023. Their story, as well as the cases of other women in different countries and continent will be presented at this side event, which aims to formulate recommendations to better the conditions of Women Environmental Defenders.

Flyer of the event


  • Micherline Islanda ADUEL, Tet Kole Ti Peyizan, La Via Campesina, Haiti
  • Lia Mai ALONZO, Asia Pacific Network on Environmental Defenders
  • Rev. Glofie BALUTONG, National Council of Churches in the Philippines
  • Michel FORST, UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention
  • Yves LADOR, EarthJustice
  • Eva WUCHOLD, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Geneva


Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Geneva Office
FIAN International
Peace Brigades International
Asia Pacific Network of Environment Defenders
Philippines UPR Watch
Earth Justice Network

Project coordinated by Jeanne Planche