Social Rights

Social Rights
We are working towards a world that guarantees social justice. The working focus on social rights aims to globally strengthen the discourse on social rights and actors involved in this field. Because social rights must always be Global Social Rights. This is to be achieved on the one hand through the media, i.e. through publications and other media products, and on the other hand through partner projects and workshops.

Dian Maria Blandina and Lauren Paremoer
International Organising

International Organising
Exploitation through poor social and environmental standards is the flipside of a global value chain. Wages below the comparable minimum wage, health hazards at the workplace, lack of social security in the event of illness, accident or old age, and precarious employment relationships pose major challenges worldwide. We support better networking and organisation along transnational value chains, which enables trade unions to assert the interests of employees even in globally operating corporations and globally branched production processes.
Socio-Ecological Transformation

Socio-Ecological Transformation
A sustainable fight against climate change is only possible through a far-reaching socio-ecological transformation. We therefore support the promotion of the concept of “climate justice” as well as progressive “just transition” approaches and transformative adaptation measures. The goal of all efforts must be a global economic order that is resource- and climate-just and capable of ensuring the self-renewal of the planet.

BASIC, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Corporate Europe Observatory, European Environmental Bureau, Good Food Good Farming, INKOTA, Public Eye, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and SOS Faim