July 29, 2020

Leave Uranium in the Ground!

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, INKOTA-netzwerk, Khanyisa, MISEREOR and Campanha Permanente Contra os Agrotóxicos e Pela Vida

Global online launch of the Uranium Atlas

The Uranium Atlas tells the global story of uranium through maps, graphics and narratives covering every phase of the uranium fuel chain. The raw material of the Atomic Age was or is mostly mined in African countries, Australia, Kazakhstan and Canada, and the consequences for the inhabitants of these mining areas have been fatal from the very beginning. The victims of global nuclear colonialism are mostly Indigenous peoples whose voices remain unheard.

The international guests participating in this event are: Makoma Lekalakala (Earthlife Africa, South Africa), Ian Zabarte (Western Shoshone Nation, USA), Sascha Hach (Nuclear Free Future Foundation, Germany) and Anna Rondon (New Mexico Social Justice and Equity Institute, Navajo Nation, USA). There will be additional recorded statements from Tina Cordova (Trinity Downwinders, USA) and Larry King (Navajo Nation, USA).

The online launch was hosted by Linda Pentz Gunter (Beyond Nuclear, USA) and Claus Biegert (Nuclear Free Future Foundation, Germany). It was jointly co-organized by Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Nuclear Free Future Foundation, Beyond Nuclear, IPPNW, oekoem e.V. and Münchener Zukunftssalon.