In hardly any other area are the contradictions of capitalism as evident as in agriculture and nutrition. Our food is a commodity, the contents of which are as little understood as the social and environmental conditions under which it is produced. Biodiversity, fertile soils and water resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Corporate power in Germany exerts price pressure on agricultural producers. In the Global South, farmers are are having their land and seed control expropriated. Agricultural workers across the global supply chains are being exploited.
Junli Lim and Erica Harper
Right to Food, Social Rights, United Nations
Introductory Booklet to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of PeasantsLa Via Campesina
Right to Food, Right to Health, Social Rights
Crash Barriers for Post-COVID-19 Food and Agricultural SystemsAgrarian Politics Working Group
International Organising, Right to a Healthy Environment, Right to Food, Right to Health, Social Rights
Transitioning towards Pesticide-free Food Systems: People’s struggles and imaginationCharlotte Dreger and Angélica Castañeda Flores
International Organising, Right to a Healthy Environment, Right to Food, Right to Health, Social Rights
Elements PaperAna María Suárez Franco (FIAN International)
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Brot für die Welt, FIAN Deutschland, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung und INKOTA-netzwerk
International Organising, Right to Food, Social Rights, Supply Chains
Cheap Wine, Bitter AftertasteRight to a Healthy Environment, Right to Food, Right to Health, Social Rights
Double Standards and Hazardous Pesticides from Bayer and BASFPeter Clausing, Lena Luig, Jan Urhahn
Biba, Brot für die Welt, FIAN Deutschland, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, INKOTA, IRPAD, PELUM Sambia, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Tabio und TOAM
Socio-Ecological Transformation
Hazardous Pesticides from Bayer and BASFRosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, INKOTA-netzwerk, Khanyisa, MISEREOR, Campanha Permanente Contra os Agrotóxicos e Pela Vida
Right to Food, Social Rights, Supply Chains
Konzernmacht beschränkenMichel Brandt und Benjamin Luig
Right to Food, Social Rights, Supply Chains
Are We Heading for the Next Global Food Crisis?Marita Wiggerthale
International Organising, Right to Food, Social Rights, Supply Chains, United Nations
Food Systems Summit – please not more round tables Benjamin LuigInternational Organising, Right to Food, Social Rights, United Nations
“The Food Systems Summit will be of no benefit to the millions of people going hungry right now”Michael Fakhri, Lucía Guadagno
Right to Food, Social Rights, United Nations
Cementing Corporate Capture of Food GovernanceFocus on the Global South
International Organising, Right to Food, Social Rights
Exploitation and Gender Discrimination in South Africa’s Wine MinesCarmen Louw, Kim Naser, Colette Solomon
International Organising, Right to Food, Social Rights
Farmworkers: Rendering Visible the InvisibleRosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Right to a Healthy Environment, Right to Food, Social Rights, Socio-Ecological Transformation
Pesticides: An Expensive BusinessBASIC, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Corporate Europe Observatory, European Environmental Bureau, Good Food Good Farming, INKOTA, Public Eye, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and SOS Faim
Right to Food, Right to Health, Right to Peace, Social Rights, United Nations
Social Rights Video SeriesRosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Right to a Healthy Environment, Right to Food, Right to Health, Social Rights
Double Standards and Hazardous Pesticides from Bayer and BASFPeter Clausing, Lena Luig, Jan Urhahn
Right to a Healthy Environment, Right to Food, Socio-Ecological Transformation
Hazardous Pesticides from Bayer and BASFRosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, INKOTA-netzwerk, Khanyisa, MISEREOR, Campanha Permanente Contra os Agrotóxicos e Pela Vida.